Returning to work after a Career Break

Returning to work after a Career Break

So..its happening.  You have decided to return to work after a spell off.  Maybe you were looking after a sick parent or relative, maybe you were raising your children, maybe you had been made redundancy or had simply taken time off.

But now, the time has come to return to work!

Firstly.  Congrats.  It’s a big decision so there are a few steps to take.

BUT Are you sure?  Have you the necessary bits covered?

The Universe is a funny thing.  We find one of two things happens when people make a return to work decision.  It means that the universe likes to fulfill your attention, and so almost just making the decision can sometime lead to almost immediate results.  This can be scary!!  You might have thought you would have weeks to get things in order. …the car insurance, your tax situation..that last minute holiday…but with the way the jobs market is in Louth and Meath, you might be amazed to be offered something straight away.




Firstly; Decide if now is the right time? Just because you were offered a role, don’t fear there wont be another one along.  But likewise. If the role fits and suits you..don’t turn it down just because it was offered quickly.

Posted 19th October 2018